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Why Should I Plan Ahead

Why Should I Plan Ahead

We never want to think that we or our loved ones will be gone eventually but this is the reality we must all face. Planning ahead for this eventuality can mean the difference between a smooth process at our demise or one that is full of unnecessary challenges. When we consider our loved ones and the pain they will inevitably be feeling, it makes sense to ease the process for them by planning ahead.

The most important thing that we can do is to prepare a will that outlines clearly how our belongings should be distributed. This will ensure to a large extent that everyone knows what they are entitled to and can also have the added benefit of not leaving your family members fighting.

You may also want to plan the style that you would like your funeral to take. Leave this information with someone, or more than one person that you trust and who will carry out your wishes

Additionally, you may wish to set up an account with Merriman Funeral Home and pay a small amount each month towards your burial. This not only eases the stress on your family but can allow you to lock in the going rate.

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